Use case
I18n/23/Remove Options
Modification of the InterpolationOptions type. In version 23.0.0, the ns property within InterpolationOptions is now constrained to be of type Namespace instead of being a string or a readonly string[]. This change requires you to adjust your code accordingly.
Socket.Io/4/Migration Recipe
This recipe is a set of codemods that will fix some of 4.0 breaking changes.
I18n/23/Add Namespace Type Annotation
Modification of the InterpolationOptions type. In version 23.0.0, the ns property within InterpolationOptions is now constrained to be of type Namespace instead of being a string or a readonly string[]. This change requires you to adjust your code accordingly.
I18n/23/I18next Replace Keyswithseparator With Joinkeys
Renaming types or functions can be part of an effort to clarify the library's API, deprecate old functionality, or introduce new features. In this case, KeysWithSeparator has been renamed to JoinKeys. This means wherever KeysWithSeparator was used in the codebase, it needs to be replaced with JoinKeys.
This codemod does tranformation based on changes in the utils in ethers.js
React/19/Migration Recipe
This recipe is a set of codemods that will fix some of React 19 breaking changes.
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